
Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us

Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us
Our inner light (call it intuition, gut feeling, inner knowing, soul...) is available to each and every one of us

Reclaiming our sovereignty

They key to life is in remembering. Forgetting all the limiting, shrinking things we've been taught to believe about ourselves. Instead it's about remembering who we are. Remembering that we are all magnificent, infinite beings. DNA Light Up is the result of my own - pretty long and painful - journey to remembering. Light Up is the short-cut, if you like! It's all about unlearning, guiding people on a journey home to our deepest sense of peace and power. It's already within us, we've simply learned to forget. With a growing team of Activators now delivering this work worldwide, our website explains how three sessions can spark a lifetime of shining brighter.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

“I See You” - Shining Through The Dark

I've been talking about abuse here on this blog for more than a decade. Why? Because it happened to me. Now I'm also talking about human trafficking, child abuse and SRA (satanic ritual abuse). Why? Because I'm working with survivors.

For those who have no knowledge of these subjects? Yes, I know...  it’s a very tough conversation. It’s unpleasant. It's unsavoury. It’s dark. Horrifying. And sadly, there are still many who question whether survivors are telling the truth. Why? My feeling is that, because it’s such a gruesome topic, some can't tolerate the knowledge that it’s real. Because oh yes, it’s real indeed. And it goes on right under our noses.

For those who’ve experienced it? I know for a fact that having others who will speak out about it is a godsend. Why? Because these beautiful souls have felt utterly isolated from society. Outcast. Forgotten. Ignored. Alone with their pain while they try to come to terms with the horrors they’ve witnessed first hand. And all the time trying to fit into a world that doesn’t want to hear and cannot understand.

I'm here to affirm to every survivor - I believe you. I'm here. I see you. I hear you. I hold you. I support you. I stand with you. And I salute you.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. From the very depths of my soul, I believe that these beautiful human beings, the ones who've survived unimaginable terrors - more sickening than the worst horror films - these are the people who can help humanity to build a better world. These incredible souls know the darkness. They know the depths and breadth of evil, they've felt for themselves the grip of malevolence that has seeped into every area of our society. 

And yet, despite all of this, they are far from broken. Quite the opposite. In my experience, every time, these incredible human beings blow me away with the light that burns so brightly within them. A light so strong that it kept them alive. A light that, step by step, one by one, can support each and every one of them in finding their voices so they can speak out calmly, honestly, openly and passionately about the evil they've witnessed. To be heard and believed, even by those who previously knew nothing about this topic.

For theirs is the light that can guarantee these atrocities are called out once and for all. Identified. Recognised. Seen for what they are. And through that seeing, they can all be dismantled and dissolved. 

I believe you - and I believe in you

I believe that survivors of any age have the potential to become our future trailblazers. They have the knowledge. They have the first hand experience. They know how darkness works. Which means they can share their knowledge with others. So we can ensure that this evil can never again threaten to forever snuff out the purity and love that sits at the core of humanity.

Part of my job here on our planet is to guide these souls to consciously reconnect with the light within each and every one of them. To be heard and held. To heal. To find their voices. Use their courage as a beacon of light. Connecting with others, so that one by one we can all stand strong together in courage and certainty. We can hold our heads high, look darkness in the eye, say out loud "I see you" and as a result, shine through it.... brighter... and together. 

To illustrate what I'm talking about, here's a post from 29th May on my Facebook Page:

Like most of us here, I am no stranger to the dark world of abuse and control. I talk loudly and regularly about the work I’m now sharing with the world, born largely from my own experiences surviving the darkness to reclaim my light and to shine from within.

What hadn’t occurred to me was how many people have been quietly following my page. Until I posted about how the work of DNA Light Up has been supporting survivors of human trafficking. A few weeks ago I received a message, that very soon prompted a video call. That call has changed my life. For that was when I first met a most beautiful soul I will call “Purity” – because for various reasons we’re keeping her name private.

Purity is a survivor of SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse. She’s told me some of her story. Any one of the living nightmares she’s endured since infancy, would be enough to destroy most people. And yet, this beautiful soul refused to give in. Her courage is extraordinary. The articulate manner in which she speaks of her experiences is breath-taking. She holds herself with such grace, kindness and love, that I am both humbled and awestruck at the same time.

She and I have formed a beautiful connection. We’re talking together, sharing together, and gradually exploring ways in which her voice can be shared for others to hear. This is a gentle and delicate journey, both of us hand in hand, walking together side by side.

A few days ago, she sent me this beautiful piece that she had written a number of years earlier, and had never shared with anyone. It brought me to tears. And at the same time filled me with joy. I found myself cheering even louder for this beautiful soul who chose to make herself known to me.

Yesterday we spoke again. She told me she would be happy for me to share her writing, and to explain a little about her story. So, it is with great honour and heartfelt gratitude that I’m sharing this piece with you now.

She writes about being a ‘nameless little girl’..... no more my beautiful soul sister, no more. Here’s to you, Purity, and to the continuing strengthening of your message. I’m proud to know you, and am standing right by your side as you continue to grow your light so that others can find their way out of the darkness. I salute you. I thank you. I love you.

Children of the Night

Sometimes I feel like a story that’s never been told; just a mystery concealed by the secrets that nobody knows...

All the screams of silence reverberate through the years – its’ echoes fallen on deaf ears; its’ tears drenched in blood...

The phantom of a nameless little girl, its’ offspring..

We are called the “children of the night” or the “ones who bear the mark”... survivors of extreme, prolonged, sadistic abuse via Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) that caused Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

Maybe you know us as the stranger you walk past in the street or drive by... or the familiar face in your shop or church, or perhaps at work. But by all means, we’re not just another face among the thousands around you, trying to live life in a world we know very little of.

We live all over the world... but we’re not like you... or maybe we are. We are the survivors of a very dark world most don’t want to know of; a secret, twisted world that runs its’ horrors underground during the times you spend with your family or friends, having fun at a party or while relaxing at home with your dog and kids, living life...

For decades, since birth, we have outlived the most horrific, unimaginable atrocities you can try to conceive of, made up of the worst nightmares most humans would likely succumb to. We look just like you; with skin on, make up, clean, dressed appropriately and often a smile to win over the world...

But unlike you, we had to learn how to assimilate to the life of “normal” and blend in to a world totally foreign to our train of thought and paradigm... More often than seldom, we fail terribly, but the try again to find a path for our footsteps.

I shouldn’t be alive at all but I am; only because of God’s undeserved Grace and Favour – nothing else! A Light that permeated through my deepest darkness and touched my soul.

There’s been no “normal” in our world... well, not in the sense you classify “normal” as... Who knows, I might just be your neighbour, living my supposedly “perfect, happy” life; talented and one of the hardest and most caring employees and friend you can ever have; the least likely person you’d expect to be a “child of the night”... But you’d never know it’s me, unless I’d let you into my world, or if you are a survivor too.

Though I have skin just like you; it has been burnt, shocked, torn, cut, pulled, beaten and poked countless times. It covers up the bruises, pain, violations, tortures, depravation, death, losses, tears, fractures and many broken bones I hide from you to survive and blend into your world. Above all, it masks my multiplicity that enabled me to survive and be alive today.

Even so, despite it all, I love and care just like you. Would you accept me at your work, church or hospital as your employee or your friend if you knew? No, most of you wouldn’t I discovered sadly. People avoid what they don’t comprehend or fear and often don’t care to understand, or simply don’t have the time to try to. It’s okay.

In the supposedly caring profession I’m in, I was severely punished and bullied in various ways for having a body permanently altered by extreme abuse; brutally awakened by their total lack of sight, inability to hear and rock-hard hearts.

Sadly, society mostly expects perfection in every way in order to be accepted. “Fake it ‘til you make it” the mantra goes... Broken bodies and broken people, are often judged and condemned. We never gave up on you though, but learned to forgive regardless... The message society and the world preaches, is that broken beings serve no purpose or very little, which sadly mutes more and more survivors, the same like me and other abuse survivors. Labels destroy.

As we learned to co-exist within society and its’ ill health in order to breathe and survive, we refuse to identify with the façade and partake of the denial it portrays. But strive to breathe and exude life and light and to be a VOICE to those who were also silenced for trying to live and survive. I am blessed to say that I have in the meantime discovered, that not all of society is blind, deaf and uncaring!

Bottomline of my saga: here’s my hand! I will walk with you or you can walk alongside me; as we follow God’s lead in finding our way home into the marvellous Light...

Thank you Purity... your voice can reach so many now


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