
Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us

Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us
Our inner light (call it intuition, gut feeling, inner knowing, soul...) is available to each and every one of us

Reclaiming our sovereignty

They key to life is in remembering. Forgetting all the limiting, shrinking things we've been taught to believe about ourselves. Instead it's about remembering who we are. Remembering that we are all magnificent, infinite beings. DNA Light Up is the result of my own - pretty long and painful - journey to remembering. Light Up is the short-cut, if you like! It's all about unlearning, guiding people on a journey home to our deepest sense of peace and power. It's already within us, we've simply learned to forget. With a growing team of Activators now delivering this work worldwide, our website explains how three sessions can spark a lifetime of shining brighter.

Saturday 9 July 2022



The meaning of Meraki is "to do tasks with soul, creativity and love" and is used by the Greeks to describe scenarios when a person has really put a part of themselves into something. This word popped up today, touching my soul so deeply that it prompted me to take to my keyboard and once more visit my old friend, this blog...

11.30am on Thursday 9th June 2022 is a moment that is forever etched in my memory. That was the moment I took the stage at TEDx Swansea to deliver my talk about the light that is within all of us. With Tomorrow's World as the theme for the event, I talked about why today's children (our children) are tomorrow's world. Because they'll become mothers, fathers, teachers. leaders... which is what makes our children the most important keys to our brighter future.  

I asked the audience how we (yesterday's children) can help today's children to thrive. What can we do to light their way and lighten their load?

My invitation was to explore why so many of us let go of our dreams along the road to adulthood and instead seek only to fit in... what prompts us to take that route, why we follow it with little questioning, what we can do to change this - and most importantly, what impact changing the way we interact with the world could have on tomorrow's world.

Today, right now, I'm asking myself how I got here. Whilst all the talks from the event are still in the process of editing and sign-off (and of course none of us speakers have any idea how the wider TED audience will respond) over the past few weeks since delivering my talk, I've been hearing uncomfortably nagging internal whispers of "Well, you've only jolly well gone and done it now Melanie. Head above the parapet. Neck on the line. Full visibility. You can't do anything to change it now! This is your life's work. People may love or hate you. They may ignore you too! So you'd better be ready for anything when it goes live!" 

I understand this is perfectly normal - and I know I'm not the only speaker from the day feeling this way! 

And while yes, I'm feeling vulnerable and exposed, I'm also filled with excitement and gratitude. And most of all, right at the core? I have the most wonderfully supportive sense of peaceful, calm, love. I'm feeling safe, and held... regardless of what happens. 

Some of you may know about my journey (it's all been documented here over the years) and most of you will not. It doesn't matter either way. Because what I'd like to share with you today is my sense that everything... yes everything... has been for a good reason. Each bump (landslide, sinkhole, tsunami) in the road has enabled me to go deeper into myself. To find treasures I'd forgotten. To reclaim peace and happiness even in the face of adversity. And ultimately, to be able to share what I've found with others.

This is my Meraki. This is the driving force that's kept me going - and it's relentless. I identify so deeply with those who describe a power greater than themselves that urges them to carry on regardless. I feel it too. Sometimes it's uncomfortable. Sometimes it's exciting. Always it's there. Always and all ways. Sometimes I feel there's no escape... and yet, at the same, I know in my soul that it's kind and loving. I referred to it as "relentless" earlier on. Well, so is unconditional love. And that's how I feel. An unconditional love from something much bigger than myself, pushing me on (even when I'm kicking, screaming and pleading to be left alone) to become all that I can be.

The answers are always within. And peace can always be found even in the darkest moments. 

Over recent times I've found solace and become more deeply tuned in to the beauty and abundance of Mother Nature. My Facebook friends will already know about my love for the medicinal wonders of the mushroom world - and my new-found adventuring with plants as well. I feel at home in nature, and love spending time on my own among trees and greenery, rivers and lakes. There's always something new to learn. And always, always I find reassurance that all is well, and the reminder that there is indeed such a thing as perfect divine order and timing. Even though I often find myself forgetting, and being drawn into external chaos. 

The answers are to be found within. Our inner light knows the way. Not our thoughts. Not even our heart. And certainly not the outside noise that demands so much of our attention. 

So this is what I'm choosing to remember right now. Yes, I can listen and hold space for the inner whispers to be heard and released. I can allow the emotions to rise up, be felt and flow through. No more stuffing things down or sweeping them under the carpet. Because that ultimately means stuffing myself down and hiding myself under the carpet. Feel, hear, acknowledge... and then dare to surrender even deeper into the knowing that right at the core, all is well. 

This is my Meraki in everyday action.

PS. Of course I'll be sharing the links to all the talks from TEDx Swansea as soon as they become available. 

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