
Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us

Remember, reclaim, realign - it's already within us
Our inner light (call it intuition, gut feeling, inner knowing, soul...) is available to each and every one of us

Reclaiming our sovereignty

They key to life is in remembering. Forgetting all the limiting, shrinking things we've been taught to believe about ourselves. Instead it's about remembering who we are. Remembering that we are all magnificent, infinite beings. DNA Light Up is the result of my own - pretty long and painful - journey to remembering. Light Up is the short-cut, if you like! It's all about unlearning, guiding people on a journey home to our deepest sense of peace and power. It's already within us, we've simply learned to forget. With a growing team of Activators now delivering this work worldwide, our website explains how three sessions can spark a lifetime of shining brighter.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Relaunch, reboot, reignite

I'm Still Standing is available on Amazon
I started this blog way back in 2009, when my whole world was in crisis. Everything I had believed to be true was crumbling around me, and the blows kept coming, day by day, one after another. It was my dear friend Judi (named Anna in the book) who recommended me to "simply write it all out" without edits or judgment. Write it out and get clarity. Yep, so that's exactly what I did. Familiar with the notion of keeping a diary, I decided typing was now faster than writing with a pen. After a few hesitant posts, I started sharing them privately with friends. Who shared them on. Who encouraged me to share more... so I did. 
The blog was the start. Then came the book. My autobiography came to life as I gained clarity on my situation, and confidence in my writing. It was published in 2012, on my birthday, 18th December. After that my life changed again. I started to connect with others who'd also been in relationships with pathological individuals. I began to understand more and more. And then one day, I understood the key that had so beautifully and profoundly presented itself to me during one of my darkest days. So simple. So natural. So profound... I hadn't even noticed what had happened, until I looked back years later at the results. Boom. The work was born.
That work is now called DNA Light Up, and I've spent the past few years building, testing, checking, refining, developing and testing it again (together with an astonishing team of extraordinary people who are now all on this same mission with me) to the point where it is today. The point where we are able to guide people to find their own key to freedom - in three simple steps. And that is just the beginning!
With people all around the world facing daily uncertainty, this is why I have chosen to relaunch my story. With a few updates. Firstly reclaiming my birth name (no more pen names for me), secondly (and most importantly) linking to the extraordinary work that was born out of my experiences. 
The time is right. And as I've learned over the years, when the time is right, ain't nothing stopping progress! So you'll understand that, when I say this time last week I had absolutely no notion that all this was going to happen. If I explain that the whole thing came about during a chance call with my old friend Mary Turner Thomson (best-selling author of The Bigamist, who appeared in my first book as one of the first people who was able to help me make sense of the craziness that swamped me) for the very first time in many years. And if I go on to say that the kindle version of my new book actually went live today (extraordinarily fast turnaround, highly unusual) and the print version soon to follow... well then you'll understand me when I say the time is right. And it's right now. 
You'll see I haven't posted on the blog for a couple of years. It's kind of been here as a support if you like. A place I sometimes visit to remind myself how far I've come. These days I spend most of my online life and run the business through Facebook and LinkedIn. It felt only right and proper though, that the very first public announcement of the book going live today, happened here. Right here where it all began...

Facebook Page: I adopted the name Carnegie (my grandmother's maiden name) and changed lots of details when my book was first published (names, locations, relationships) in order to "protect the privacy of those I was writing about" - yep, that's libel laws for you.
Well, my birth name is Melanie Pledger. I refuse to hide any more, in any way shape or form. This is who I am. My story is MY story. I wrote the truth. If 'they' needed protecting, then perhaps 'they' should have chosen to behave kindly towards me instead of... Hmmm... well, instead of something that certainly wasn't kindness and certainly wasn't love!
Incidentally... in the book, my son's name is Dylan. It's his real name. He was 16 years old at the time it was published. And 14 at the time of writing it. When I asked him if he'd too like to choose a different name for the book, he replied "no way mum! I'm Dylan. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of our story and what we've achieved together. And I'm not changing my name for anyone, no matter what advice we've been given! My name is Dylan. And I'm staying Dylan. Tell them I'm keeping my name"
You see why I love him so much?
So, like my son, I am who I am. I survived my story. I reclaimed myself, and my life. And I'm thriving on every level. The work I now do is about showing others how they can do the same (in much less time than it took me I might add!)
My name is Melanie Pledger. I'm standing strong. And I'm on a mission to ensure more of us do the same.
Thank you ❤️

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